Active projects

AGREED - Agriculture, Green & Digital
Ricerca Industriale e Sviluppo Sperimentale nelle 12 aree di specializzazione individuate dal PNR 2015 – 2020, di cui al Decreto Direttoriale del 13 luglio 2017, n. 1735. PON Ricerca e Innovazione 2014 e 2020 - Area di specializzazione Agrifood. Codice domanda: ARS01_00254
Sistemi di Supporto alle Decisioni (DSS) per un’agricoltura più sostenibile: potenziamento dell’offerta sul mercato greco
N. 511 - Anno 2019, CUP J35F19000300003. Bando per la Concessione di Contributi a Progetti di “Promozione Export e Internazionalizzazione Intelligente” 2019. Unioncamere Emilia-Romagna e Regione Emilia Romagna
CIPOMAR - Innovazioni per il miglioramento produttivo della cipolla di Margherita IGP
PSR 2014-2020 Regione Puglia, Misura 16 “Cooperazione”, Sottomisura 16.2 “Sostegno a progetti pilota e allo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti, pratiche, processi e tecnologie”, Focus Area 2° - Nr. domanda: 94250037309
INNOVALEGUMI - Nuovi sistemi colturali basati sulle leguminose per le aziende cerealicole pugliesi
PSR 2014-2020 Puglia, Misura 16 “Cooperazione”, Sottomisura 16.2 “Sostegno a progetti pilota e allo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti, pratiche, processi e tecnologie”, Focus Area 2A, N. domanda: 94250036012
Completed projects

DSSnet-Decision Support System Network (Projects for business networks, MEASURE 2.1 ACTION B Region Emilia Romagna)
Integration of tools and skills for the set-up of decision support services for farms via the internet.

Tergeo is the sustainability project of Unione Italiana Vini. has been chosen as the application of the Tergeo project.

NET.SOS.TEN (Integrated Supply Chain Project Tuscany - Measure 124)
Network for the sustainability of common wheat.
PIF Puglia (Progetti Integrati di Filiera – BURP n 102 del 10/06/2010)
Valorizzazione delle specifiche qualitative delle cultivar di frumento duro di Alta Gamma
GD-ALTEC (Regione Emilia Romagna – AGRALI)
ALta TECnologia nella filiera grano duro

Integrated Supply Chain Project Marche
Development of a decision support system for the cultivation of durum wheat ( and experimentation of innovative technologies to improve the processing stage of other cereals (common wheat).

Monitoring phytopathological models Basilicata (funded by Alsia – Lucana agency for development and innovation in agriculture, Region Basilicata)
Application of mathematical models and new strategies for crop protection in Basilicata in the period 2013-2016. (Region Emilia Romagna– AGRALI)
Improving wine through sustainability of the production process.

Voice recognition technology for agronomic crop monitoring (ROP-ERDF Emilia-Romagna 2014-2020)
Axis 1 – Research and Innovation.
Action 1.1.2 Support for the purchase of services for technological, strategic, organizational and commercial innovation of businesses.
Call for tender for projects to innovate and diversify products or services for SMEs.

Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies: Panicum Virgatum L. as a source of alternative energy: adaptation to environmental stress and use on marginal land.

Improving and enhancing the QUAlity and COMpetitiveness of the durum wheat supply chain in Tuscany.

Startup support project
Region Emilia Romagna: Startup support project for innovative businesses.

Region Piedmont: a demonstration project for advanced vineyard management.

Group of experts for agro-environmental mitigation measures: Italian experience in spreading knowledge for sustainable farming production.

A.C.R.I.A.C. (Project measure 124 RDP 2007-2013 for Region Tuscany)
Conservational agricultural techniques aimed at reducing the environmental impact of wheat and characterising its derivatives.

Reducing the risk of mycotoxin contamination in cereals. Implementing the nitrogen balance for durum wheat.

AGER From seed to pasta
Multidisciplinary approaches for a more sustainable and high quality durum wheat production.

IDemCROP (Ministero degli Affari Esteri – Italia-Israele)
Development of a fine-scale, ICT-based, integrated system for informed decision making in sustainable crop protection.

Innovation for cereal farming in Sicily (ROP-ERDF Sicily 2007-2013)
“Gian Pietro Ballatore” Consortium for research on specific sectors of the cereal farming supply chain.

G.I.R.A. for the Lucca Plain (RDP 2014-2020 for Region Tuscany – Integrated Supply Chain Project, Project submeasure 16.2)
Integrated Management of Aflatoxin Risk.

GranoDuroSmart (RDP Emilia-Romagna Operation 16.2.01. Supply Chain Project leader: CONSORZIO AGRARIO TERREPADANE)
Sustainable agricultural production of durum wheat by using the decision support system.

SO.F.I.A. (Call for tender National Agrifood Cluster-CL.A.N.)
Adapting to climate change and sustainability of primary production through genetic improvement, precision farming and environmental certification. Wheat genomics for Fusarium, mycotoxins, water/nitrogen availability. Precision farming and energy-environmental certification for some of the typical main Italian supply chains.