Not just a service
Weather data
Our agro-weather network (the largest in Italy) is made up of numerous stations, both proprietary and third-party, located throughout the country. The network, which is constantly expanding in Italy and abroad, allows us to offer you:
- Reports and statistics: we create agro-weather and anomaly maps (10-day, monthly or seasonal) relating to maximum and minimum temperatures, rainfall, cumulative rainfall, relative humidity, bioclimatic indices, etc;
- Weather data for personal and/or business use: you can acquire data (hourly, daily, monthly) recorded by our own stations.
A unique, proprietary system allows automatic quality control of the data recorded by the stations; in case of errors, a special algorithm reliably reconstructs the data, so our data series are validated and always complete.
Weather stations
Meteorological data are fundamental for the correct functioning of our DSSs, as they allow growers to manage crops according to weather changes. On the basis of our experience gained over the years, we have designed an agro-weather station that combines the needs of the services we provide, practicality of use in the field and costs . The basic weather station model records the main variables: temperature, air humidity, rainfall and leaf wetness. Other features can also be added:
- Wind speed and direction
- UV radiation
- Soil temperature and moisture
- Vegetation status
- Others, upon request

All stations are equipped with automatic data and forecast quality control for that specific station. For forecasting the system connects to various external providers and, using specific algorithms, calibrates the forecast data to the exact geographical point of the station.
Want to acquire a station?
We offer full service for purchase or rental of station, including installation and technical support.
Already have a station?
You can automatically connect your station to our service and take advantage of the data and forecast quality control system calibrated for that specific weather station.