Legal General information

Legal General information

This site is managed by Horta Srl and all rights are owned by Horta Srl and reserved.

Responsibility for Content

The contents provided have been processed with the utmost care. Horta cannot provide any guarantee regarding the correctness, completeness, reliability, usability and timeliness of the contents. Users are therefore required, in general, to check or have checked at a professional level that the contents are appropriate for the use they intend to make of it.

Horta is responsible for its own content on these sites in accordance with applicable law. However, it is not obliged to monitor information communicated or stored by third parties or to verify circumstances that may give rise to fears of illegal activities. The obligations to remove or block the use of information under applicable law remain unaffected. However, Horta Srl will only be liable if it is aware of a specific violation. Following the communication of such violations, Horta Srl will immediately remove the content.

This website and product information (hereinafter, the «Product Information» or «Product Content»)» are provided as is, as is, and, to the extent permitted by law, without any warranty, commitment or liability whatsoever (express or implied). Except in the case of wilful conduct, Horta Srl will not be liable for damages caused by or in connection with the use of such information nor, in any case, will it respond or assume any liability for indirect, consequential or incidental damages caused by or in connection with the use of such content.

Liability for Links

The contents of this site also include links to external sites over which Horta Srl has no control. Therefore, Horta Srl can not assume any responsibility for their content, for which the provider or manager of such external sites will always be responsible. The linked sites were checked at the time of linking to verify that they were not contrary to the law and no illegal content was detected. It is not reasonably possible to constantly check linked pages in the absence of concrete evidence of violations. Following the communication of any violations, Horta Srl will immediately remove such links. Furthermore, Horta Srl is not responsible for the availability of such sites or their contents.

Copyright Law

The contents and works created by Horta Srl and present on these pages are subject to copyright laws, and may not be copied, processed, distributed or otherwise used outside the limits established by copyright laws without the written consent of Horta Srl. With regard to the contents not made by Horta Srl, the copyright of third parties has been respected. In particular, third-party content has been marked as such. However, if a user becomes aware of copyright infringements, he must inform Horta Srl that, following such communication, will immediately remove the content.

Product Information

Information and Documents of Horta Srl

Information on Horta Srl products and services is based on the current experience and knowledge of Horta Srl. However, this does not exempt you from making your own assessments and tests in view of the number of factors that may affect your use of the services. Horta Srl assumes no responsibility for any damage caused in relation to the information provided to the user who purchases and uses Horta Srl services.

The user of the service must respect the exclusive rights, laws and regulations in place and will be solely responsible for the use of the information provided through the service received from Horta Srl. All statements and information provided herein may be changed without notice.

Final provisions

The rights or legal actions related to the use of the Horta Srl website or its use will be governed by and construed in accordance with Italian law, with the exclusion of its conflict of laws rules.