Cà Bosco is an experimental-demonstration farm in Romagna, south of the Comacchio valleys.

The farm, about 220 hectares, focuses on growing industrial cereals. Our research plots encompass about 20 hectares for experiments on: wheat, soybean, tomato, energy crops, sorghum and corn, as well as cover crops.



Our crops are constantly monitored by agro-weather stations that provide information on rainfall, temperature, humidity, leaf wetness and wind at all times. Various agro-weather station technologies have been installed on the farm in order to test them for possible use within the DSS network.


Water quality

The farm is equipped with a network of underground pipes that drain excess soil water deeply. This tubular drainage system makes it possible to assess how much water, nitrogen and other elements drain from the plots during the rainiest months and how leaching affects soil fertility and water quality. This information helps us improve and calibrate our DSS fertilisation models.


New monitoring

New monitoring technologies are being tested at Cà Bosco as part of European and national projects. For the LIFE AGRESTIC Project, prototypes have been installed for the real-time detection of greenhouse gas emissions from the soil. This will make it possible to check the mitigation potential of ECSs (Efficient Cropping Systems) and to calibrate a model for estimating greenhouse gas emissions.

Stay up to date on what we do at our experimental farms. Follow us on Instagram
